Booking System (AGB Members):
Adults (2 hours):
Club members: £1,
Associates £3,
Guests £5.00
Juniors (2 hours) - (min age 9) (Please note ALL children must be accompanied by an adult)
Club memers: £1,
Associates £1.50,
Guests £2.00
All archers must present a valid AGB Membership card/e-card before shooting - no verified id, no shoot
Non-AGB members please make contact if you are interested in getting into Archery and to find out what we can offer
The following relates to guidance received from AGB (13/05/2020) which we have enhanced.
We will provide (up to regulations permitting):
- 7 Lanes - 6m apart (we have increased above 5m recommendation) - note this is an outdoor facility only.
- Boss’ at
- Lane 1- 70m (Variable),
- Lane 2- 50m (Variable),
- Lane 3- 40m (Variable),
- Lane 4- 30m (Fixed),
- Lane 5- 30m (Fixed),
- Lane 6- 30m (Fixed),
- Lane 7- 20m (Fixed).
Please note Variable lanes will be moved to suit archers request prior to arrival. Should an archer wish to have their boss moved to a different distance there will be a fee of £1/move. Movement of the boss will be facilitated by the Field Captain.
- Times currently/day will be 10:00, 13:00, 16:00, 19:00 for 2 hours each maintained in the booking system
- The Field Captain in ALL instances will be Declan Ross-Thomas (Secretary, Tamar Valley Archers).
- 1 paper target face/boss (disposed of after use), any water resistant faces used will be disinfected by the Field Captain before any re-use.
- the booking system will allow for archers to reserve a 2 hour slot. (There is a 1 hour slot between sessions to allow time for turnaround, repair, setup etc)
- The booking system will control availability, though we aim to operate 4 sessions each day.
- Antiseptic wipes/gloves
- Bosses and stands will be setup in advance (where possible). Any assistance needed will require helpers (max 1) to wear gloves and maximise the distance between them by being max distance either side of the boss.
- Pins will be soaked in antiseptic and returned to soak after use. Placing target face on the boss will be the responsibility of the shooting archer.
- Any Archer wishing to see our Risk Assessment will be allowed to see it upon request.
Please note:
- Max arrival time prior to shoot is 30 minutes. We request archers vacate promptly after shooting (e.g. within 15 minutes please)
- All archers will be responsible for their own equipment and arrows, no sharing will be allowed.
- Archers will recover their own arrows.
- Archers walking the range to recover arrows will be asked to stay within the curtilage of a line equal to the width of the boss. It is intended that this will be laid out.
- Any lost arrows requiring the use of a metal detector will be operated by the field captain. When found the archer will be invited to recover it.
- All archers must check how many arrows they have shot and how many they have gone home with. The club will not be responsible for any lost or left out equipment. Please inform the field captain of any losses so that an appropriate search can be conducted.
- The field captain will check bosses, tie downs etc prior to your shoot - however it is the individual archer’s responsibility to check the stability of the bosses after each end. If you are unhappy with the stability or any equipment please advise the field captain. Equipment damaged as a result (e.g. falling bosses) will not be the clubs responsibility unless there is a material equipment failure of the provided facility.
- Please understand, the club will do it’s best to recover arrows embedded in boss stands but cannot be held responsible for any consequences should arrows break as a result of retrieving them.
- Please ensure ALL waste is taken home with you. We are also a small holding with rare bread animals and they don’t take too kindly to plastics, chewing gum or other waste material. The field captain will continue to search for missing equipment post your slot if not already found and return to you (if possible).
- We especially ask that those who feel the need to have a smoke do so without upsetting other non-smoking archers, returning to the car parking area, and ensure all waste is taken away and not discarded.
- Each individual archer is required to book a slot, no group or family bookings without agreement and discussion first, no turning up.
- If something is not listed in the booking system - then please be patient - it means it is not currently available.
- Please note non-shooting guests or spectators will be limited and required to remain behind the spectator line.
- Juniors must be accompanied - normal rules apply, though the accompanying adult must remain behind the spectator line.
- Disabled archers may be accompanied by a single ‘buddy’ to assist with arrow retrieval etc, and will be expected to observe the same guidance as is required by archers.
- Bookings will be followed up with an email advising directions for 1st time visitors.
- Payment can be made via cash - a sanitised box will be available to deposit payment and receive change. (Payment via bank transfer is coming soon)
- Our toilet facilities remain closed - so please relieve yourself before visiting - we will endeavour to provide pop-up facilities as we can.
- Arrival is through an alternative gate to our Postcode to preserve social distancing rom the campsite. Directions can be found by clicking on the following link (also on our contact page) and pasting into a Sat Nav - it will direct to within 3 feet!
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We hope the above guidance will assist with allowing archers to enjoy their sport. Anyone not adhering to the above will be asked to leave and not allowed to book again.
AGB documents and guidance can be seen here:
AGB site:

To assist, AGB published documents can be viewed by clicking on image above and links below.